Soil Mixing
Soetaert developed the basis for both the theoretical approach and the practical execution of the soilmix-technique. Thanks to this, we may call ourselves the pioneer and market leader of this technique in Belgium, and by extension, Europe.
The soilmix-technique is a vibration free deep-foundation technique that uses the present soil as a resource to construct deep-foundation elements. The soilmix cutter is brought into the soil using a piling block-led deep-foundation machine. During the cutting, grout (a cement-water mixture) is injected under high pressure through the guiding pile and mixed with the present soil into a homogeneous mixture. This way, a soilmix trench is made in the soil. A soilmix wall comprises primary and secondary trenches, which are partly milled into each other. This results in a closed, water-repellent layer.
This technique is fit for the sidewalls of construction pits, to stabilise the subsoil, or to place water-repellent layers and building foundations. This may even be undertaken next to existing constructions. With its deep-foundation machines, Soetaert can place soilmix walls up to 31 metres depth.
- Vibration- and noise free
- Ground and water retaining function
- No ground displacement
- Strengthening by armouring or profiles possible
Soilmix walls can be used in areas with lots of constructions. They are primarily placed for the stabilising of construction pits and to place the foundations of buildings.